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1920 Northwest 18th Avenue
Northwest District, OR, 97209
United States


Pomarius is a retail plant nursery, open to the public, in Northwest Portland, Oregon.  We are Portland’s premier retailer of Boxwood & Topiary.

The Orangerie | Backdrops | Plant Rentals

POMARIUS ORANGERIE | Tender Perennial Plant Shop + Event Space + On & Off-Site Plant Rentals since 2002. Delivery Services available.

the Orangerie


A tender perennial plant shop & special occasion venue that is never a blank space


Sustainable Greenscapes for POMARIUS Orangerie Backdrops and Off-Site Events

Rentals for Photography, Real Estate & Events

Plant Arrangements/Centerpieces

Guest Gifts

Wedding Registry



Photography/Video Location


Booking & Private Event Team Management | Blockhouse for Pomarius, Inc.

All other Orangerie services, as listed above, please connect with the nursery direct.

Note, Pomarius’s booking agent, Blockhouse, also operates a (kitchen-space and small patio) venue of its own within Pomarius Nursery. To be clear, there are two venues within the nursery setting: one is Blockhouse (Cast & Co.), the other is the Pomarius Orangerie (Pomarius, Inc.) Pomarius, Inc. is not responsible for any misleading or incorrect information provided by any agent, vendor, private event client or other media. Often our lines are blurred within a private event setting, however each business should receive its own credit. Our map can be communicated to private event clients, their vendors & guests if anyone should need help navigating the nursery space.

Thank you,

Peter Lynn, Founder

Pomarius Nursery

Check out beautiful 360 degree images of our nursery on Google Maps!

FOr Orangerie Backdrop Scheduling and Payment

please call 503-490-6866 between noon and 4pm

general inquires, please use the link below

POMARIUS is not associated or involved with any preferred vendor considerations, selections, or partnerships that conduct business within the Pomarius Orangerie space on behalf of a private event client. Neighboring venues’, coordinators’, and caterers’ designated preferred vendors should be understood as their own.